Additional workshops, lectures and other teaching experience including respective materials can be found here.
- Workshop at EMD Serono (2018-2024, 2-4 hrs, reocurring): Basic Concepts of Machine Learning Methods.
- AI in Healthcare & Pharma Summit 2023. ML Pipeline for Identification of Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Cancer Trial Data.
- Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference 2023. A machine learning pipeline for phase 3 clinical trial data.
- R/Pharma 2023. Updates from the R Validation Hub: Towards a Pharma Repository. On behalf of the R validation Hub.
- Symposium on Data Science and Statistics 2023. A semiautomatic machine learning pipeline for predicting time-to-event endpoints.
- Merck SciTech Summit 2022. A semiautomatic machine learning pipeline for predicting time-to-event endpoints.
- UseR! 2022 Implementation of Risk Assessment for R packages_Learnings and Reflection. On behalf of the R validation Hub.
- PSI Journal Club 2022. Estimands for Overall Survival in Trials with Treatment. Invited Talk.
- R/Pharma 2021. Risk-based Assessment of R packages at Merck KGaA/EMD Serono.
- R/Pharma Workshop 2021. Building Tidy R Packages.
- rOpenSci Community Call 2021. Expanding Software Peer Review: Statistical Package Standards at rOpenSci. Invited Talk
- JSM 2021. Tools to Enable the Use of R by the Biopharmaceutical Industry in a Regulatory Setting. Topic-Contributed Paper Session.
- ASA BIOP 2021. Estimands for Overall Survival in Oncology Clinical Trials with Treatment Switching.
- ASA BIOP 2021. Tools to Enable the Use of R by the Biopharmaceutical Industry in a Regulatory Setting. Topic-contributed session.
- Society of Clinical Trials Conference 2021. Estimands for Overall Survival in Clinical Trials with Treatment Switching in Oncology.
- Merck Data Science & Analytics Conference 2020. Using Machine Learning to Explore Baseline Factors Predicting Long-Term Benefit with Avelumab.
- GMDS & CEN-IBS 2020. Estimands for Overall Survival with Treatment Switching September 6-11, 2020, Berlin, Germany.
- useR! 2020 A risk-based Assessment for R Package Accuracy. On behalf of the R validation hub.
- Immuno-Oncology 360°. Association between response assessment using RECIST and irRECIST in 1765 patients with advanced solid tumors treated with avelumab monotherapy February 26-28, 2020. New York City, NY, USA.
- R/Pharma 2019. Optimize Installation Routines for R Package Dependencies. August 21-23, 2019.
- R Ladies Boston. Introduction to Building R Packages. January 30, 2019.
- R/Pharma 2018. Multi-state Model for the Analysis of an Association between Safety and Efficacy Events Using R. August 15-16, 2018, Cambridge, MA USA.
- 64th Biometrical Colloquium (2018): Multi-state Model for the Analysis of an Association between Safety and Efficacy Events. March 26, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Network Science and its Applications (SNAW02, August 2016): Source Estimation for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks with an Application to Delays in Public Transportation Systems. Cambridge, UK. Invited talk.
- Colloquium of the Research Training Group 1644 (August 2016): A Statistical Perspective on the Analysis of Complex Network Data. Some Interdisciplinary Examples. Göttingen, Germany. Invited talk.
- Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM, August 2016): Uncertainty Assessment for Source Estimation of Spreading Processes on Complex Networks. Chicago, USA.
- Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Network Data (ECAS, September 2015): Source Detection for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks with an Application to Train Delays on Railway Systems. Herrsching, Germany.
- Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH, April 2015): A Statistical Framework for Source Detection of Spreading Processes on Complex Networks. Bremen, Germany. Invited Talk.
- Research Seminar, Department of Animal Breeding and Deparment Genetic Epidemiology, University of Göttingen (June 2015): Kernel Boosting for the Analysis of Data from Genome-Wide Association Studies. Göttingen, Germany. In cooperation with Benjamin Hofner.
- School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury (December 2014): A Statistical Perspective on the Analysis of Complex Network Data: The Example of Network-Based Source Detection. Christchurch, New Zealand. Invited Talk.
- Joint NZSA+ORSNZ (November 2014): A Network-Based Kernel Machine Test for the Identification of Risk Pathways in Genome-Wide Association Studies. Wellington, New Zealand.
- Research Seminar, Massey University (November 2014): A Statistical Perspective on the Analysis of Complex Network Data: The Example of Network-Based Source Detection. Palmerston North, New Zealand. Invited Talk.
- Research Seminar Bioinformatics, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (October 2014): Network-based Source Detection for Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Melbourne, Australia. Invited Talk.
- OptALI (September 2014): Network-based Source Detection: From Infectious Disease Spreading to Train Delay Propagation. Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- OptALI (August 2014): Network-based Source Detection: From Infectious Disease Spreading to Train Delay Propagation. Department of Engineering Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
- 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM, July 2014): Network-based Source Detection: From Infectious Disease Spreading to Train Delay Propagation. Göttingen, Germany.
- 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM, July 2013): Model-based source estimation during foodborne disease outbreaks. Palermo, Italy.
- 4th Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet, March 2013): Source detection of food-borne disease outbreaks applied to the German E. coli outbreak 2011. Berlin, Germany.
- 5th International Conference on Computing & Statistics (ERCIM, December 2012): Source detection of food-borne disease outbreaks applied to the German E. coli outbreak 2011. Oviedo, Spain.
- Fachgespräch - Stochastische Prozesse in der Netzwerkanalyse, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (October 2012): Ursprungsbestimmung für Ausbrüche von Lebensmittel-Infektionskrankheiten. Berlin, Germany. Invited Talk.
- Statistische Woche 2011 (September 2011): Examples of Statistical Analyses using the R-Package RandomFields. Leipzig, Germany.
- Conference on Inference For Epidemic-related Risk (InFER, March 2011): Bayesian Hierarchical Model Algorithm for Automated Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Warwick, UK. Early career award.
- Statistikerrunde, Robert Koch-Institut (November 2010): Automatische Erkennung von Ausbrüchen infektiöser Krankheiten. Berlin, Germany.